Saturday, July 27, 2024

National strategy for deployment of electric and hydrogen infrastructure for freight trucks in USA | Automotive Powertrain Technology International

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The Biden-Harris Administration has unveiled its National Zero-Emission Freight Corridor Strategy, put together by the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation, in collaboration with the US Department of Energy (DOE), Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

The strategic framework outlines plans for deploying zero-emission medium- and heavy-duty vehicle (ZE-MHDV) charging and hydrogen fueling infrastructure across the USA from 2024 to 2040.

With a focus on meeting increasing market demands, the strategy aims to leverage public investment to bolster private-sector efforts, streamline utility and regulatory energy planning, coordinate industry activities and enhance air quality in communities heavily affected by diesel emissions.

To achieve US targets of at least 30% ZE-MHDV sales by 2030 and 100% sales by 2040, the strategy emphasizes the importance of widespread and accessible electric vehicle (EV) charging and hydrogen refueling infrastructure along freight corridors, intermodal freight facilities and high-traffic ports.

“This is a big move to deliver environmental justice – 75% of heavy truck traffic travels on just 4% of our nation’s roads, jeopardizing the health of our most vulnerable communities,” said President Biden’s national climate advisor Ali Zaidi.

The strategy’s objective is to align public policy and investments by prioritizing, sequencing and expediting infrastructure development along the National Highway Freight Network (NHFN) in four phases:

  1. Establishing priority hubs based on freight volumes (2024-2027)
  2. Connecting hubs along critical freight corridors (2027-2030)
  3. Expanding corridor connections to initiate network development (2030-2035)
  4. Achieving a national network by linking regional corridors for widespread access (2035-2040)

In line with this strategy, the Federal Highway Administration is designating National EV Freight Corridors along the National Highway Freight Network and other vital roadways, furthering efforts to decarbonize freight transportation.

“For over a century, petroleum-fueled freight has transported vital food and resources to American families but at the same time, these vehicles have also contributed to lower public health, especially in densely populated communities,” said US Secretary of Energy Jennifer M Granholm.

“The Biden-Harris Administration is addressing this issue head-on with innovative strategies to transform freight so it not only supports American families and businesses but also protects the environment for future generations.”

Senator Alex Padilla, added, “This landmark strategy brings us one step closer to achieving a zero-emission transportation sector that provides clean air for communities, creates market certainty for industries investing in clean technology and strengthens our supply chains.”

For more legislation news, please click here.

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